Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Random Road Trip

It has taken me several weeks to post this. Reason being I felt that it was too soon to put it up. I needed to give myself composure or so I thought.  

Several weeks ago, I was convinced into a taking a random road trip. I quickly showered, 

got dressed in skinny jeans, a vest, a black leather jacket and blue converse shoes and off we left. Now, this random plot involved me paying for three quarters of the expenses. Hmm...the things siblings do to each other.

Halfway through the journey, hunger pangs kicked in. We stopped at Pizza Inn for dinner and 20 minutes later we were back on the road to wherever my dear brother was taking me. Two hours and thirty five minutes later we get to our destination, Crayfish Naivasha.

It was during the Mashujaa weekend and there was a pool party. Why call it a pool party when half the people attending are not in the pool? My dearest brother wouldn't miss it for the world and awesome pretty me, who would rather be in the comfort of home agreed to it. 

The night was amazing, meeting people I had only met once in my university days and making new friends. I had coolest company that night. I sort of have two left feet but that didn't stop me from dancing. Haha.

4.50 a.m. I was in serious need of sleep and brother was nowhere to be found so I figured I might as well rest my eyes in my pals ride. Like an hour or so later, drama (fight) unfolds just outside my pals ride. Sleep gone! Apparently one of the guys had lied to one of the girls baby sister and now the elder sister was screaming everywhere. Remembering that fight brings back a slight headache. 

6.00 a.m. Hometime. Now this is the where my interesting story unfolds. I search for our ride, find it but my brother has locked himself inside and is deep asleep. I knocked and knocked on the drivers window till my knuckles hurt. Three ladies noticed my struggle and helped me shake the car till he woke up. He finally woke up, looking all confused and on realizing he was not in his bed requested we leave. 

10 minutes later, we left the venue. It was my turn to drive. 

That Crayfish road is too pathetic. Spotting bumps ahead is a problem as there no road signs or markings. Can someone do something about it. There were two cars ahead of me, a Noah and a Subaru. Noah breaks, Subaru breaks instantly and I hit its bumper. In my mind it registers I hit the bump. 

I reversed slowly and drove off.  That was the not the best decision was it. Brother and I agreed to take a turning and stall for about 10 minutes just incase the car we accidentally hit follows us. I still had no doubt in my mind that I hit a bump and not a bumper. After several minutes of driving we stopped and I jumped out to inspect the car. I noticed no dent except one from several months ago. Get back in the car and we embark on our journey back home.

Imagine the horror seeing several cars parked on the road waiting for us. Two officers of the law flag me down and I have no choice but to stop. I had hit and run and pulled a movie theatrics on the road.

Five guys walk up to me, four are screaming at me. The quiet one starts taking photos and I realize his the driver. I walk up to him with brother in tow. A fight almost breaks out between him and brother. He notices a scratch on our ride but that wasn't a big deal at the time but to get ourselves out of the trouble we were in. 

After a tonne of pleas, tears and a confrontation. We come to an agreement, no charges against me and we leave in peace.

A cold chilly night and lack of sleep had distorted my mind. I couldn't even believe it was I who pulled movie theatrics and drove till home. I still haven't repaired the ride yet but I will eventually. I am grateful though that no harm befall us on that random road trip. 


  1. ehh, kazi ya kuenda road trip bila mimi!!! haha, bro yako anaezaje K.O ndani ya gari?? he should have k.oed huko kwa lake!! haha

  2. And I would have been the one going to pick him up...I had had enough drama that morning. Ya next tutaenda nawewe.
